Chapter 4
Loading Inks and Materials
P83173A RevA
Similarly, avoid arranging boards on the table with gaps. Leaving gaps between boards will
result in UV light reflecting back into the print head and causing nozzle blockages. Sacrificial
material (waste material) should be used to fill any gaps.
NOTE: Sacrificial material should be the same thickness as the board to be printed. Thicker
material might strike the carriage whereas thinner material will allow UV light to reflect back
into the print heads.
Arrange the boards on the table in order to avoid gaps and prevent reflected UV light by using
sacrificial material or butting the boards next to each other. Irregular shapes will need to be
used within fitted templates. Any sacrificial material must be the same thickness as the board to
be printed (see diagram below showing the table as viewed from above).
Print heads
UV shield
Reflected UV
UV lamps
Print heads
UV shield
Reflected UV
UV lamps
Sacrificial material
Board to be printed
Carriage motion
Carriage motion