Chapter 3
Known Issues
Sun Explorer May Fail to Collect the ILOM Data
(Tx000) (CR 6718841)
Sun Explorer may fail to collect the ILOM data (Tx000).
If failed, it may take more than 30 minutes to return an error.
Workaround: You can collect the ILOM data (Tx000) in another way.
1. Specify the option as follows.
2. Confirm the version of ILOM.
Depending on the version of ILOM, the data collection method varies.
How to check the version
- ILOM mode
- ALOM mode
3. Collect the ILOM data (Tx000).
In ILOM 3.0 or later
In the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Concepts Guide, refer to the
"Collect SP Data to Diagnose System Problems" section to collect the SP data
In ILOM 2.x or earlier
Collect the ILOM and ALOM data and supply it to service engineers along with
the Sun Explorer output.
a. Collect the following data on ILOM.
/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -w !Tx000
SP firmware
~ <-- ILOM3.0
SP firmware build number: 45383
SP firmware date: Tue Jun 2 15:38:58 PDT 2009
SP filesystem version: 0.1.22
showsc version
SP firmware version:
~ <-- ILOM3.0