4. Adjustment
4-8.Install the DSC jig driver and the PC adjustment software.
* Since this camera uses the USB for communications with
the personal computer, in order to start the PC adjustment
software, [the DSC jig driver] needs to be installed in the
personal computer beforehand.
* The DSC jig driver is the same as that for the FinePix 6800Z,
so if this jig driver software is already installed in the per-
sonal computer, it is not necessary to install it.
The procedure is given below.
(1)Installation of DSC jig driver
<Step 1>
DSC jig driver(ZJ00476-100.ZIP) is downloaded from Web
server (http://fujifilm-di.intranets.com/).
<Step 2>
Defrost the downloaded compression software
<Step 3>
Double-click setup.exe in the folder of defrosted ZJ00476-
100 and install Fuji FILM DSC Jig Driver as follows.
<Step 4>
Install the software in [C:\ProgramFiles\Fjig]
according to the instructions on the PC's screen.
(2)Startup of PC adjustment software
When the folder has been copied to the C drive, double-click
on the file C:\FinePixF601_UE\ffw217.exe (Fig.D-5(1)) to start
the adjustment software.
<Fig.D-5> Windows Explorer screen of FFW217.exe