12-2. Chromakey Setup
The chromakey auto setup function allows you to set the color should be ignored easily. The
following example gives the procedure to create a chromakey for KEY1 using the AUTO
CHROMAKEY menu and then to adjust it using MANUAL CHROMAKEY menu.
12-2-1. Auto Setup
Press a desired bus button in the PGM/PST bus section to select a background image.
Press KEY1 button in the BUS SELECT section. Then press a bus button in the
AUX/KEY bus section to select the Key Insert/Source pair signals for KEY1 using the Key
Link function. You can also select the Key Insert/Source signals using the KEY1 menu.
(Refer to section 11-2 “Bus Key Setup" for selecting key signals.)
Press the KEY1 button in the menu select section to open the KEY1 menu. Turn F1 to
select SOURCE1 line. In the SOURCE1 line of the menu, press F2 to change the TYPE to
Once the CHR is set for TYPE, the INVERT, GAIN and CLIP parameters cannot be
Turn F1 to select AUTO-CK line of the menu. In the AUTO-CK line, turn F4 to set the
Press the KEY1 button in the NEXT TRANSITION section to display the KEY1 image to
the preview output.
Press the AUTO CK button in the joystick section to light up.
The X/Y crosshair lines should be visible on the PREVIEW output where the key is
displayed. If you want the crosshair lines to also appear on the PROGRAM line output
monitor, set the PGM parameter to ON in the CK-TYPE line.
The current crosshair position on the preview screen can be checked at the POS-X and
POS-Y parameters in the AUTO-CK line of the menu in real-time. Move the joystick
upward/downward or clockwise/counter-clockwise to position crosspoint on color to be
ignored. You can also set or finely adjust the crosshair position at POS-X and POS-Y
parameters in the keyer menu.
Move the joystick counter-clockwise with the Z button in the joystick lit to make a
chromakey. Once the joystick is moved counter-clockwise, cursor selected color should
be ignored and a chromakey should be automatically composited with background on the
preview line output.