– Vertical Pan
-100.0 to 100.0%, increment of .1%
Factory Reset
The following command performs a system factory reset. All user-configured data will be cleared and the complete
system will be set to factory defaults.
RS-232 Serial Port Configuration
This command is used to get the specified COMM port’s current configuration or to set the baud rate.
RS232CFG [BR=x]
If the last parameter is not specified, the specified COMM port’s configuration will be returned. The format is as
[# of data bits][parity][# of stop bits]
[baud rate]
The baud rate value, x, can be any of the following:
110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Currently, the number of data bits, parity, and the number of stop bits are fixed at 8, none, and 1 respectively.
This command is used to get or set the output underscan percentage. If [n] is specified, the output image will be
underscanned by 12%.
0 – Disable underscan
1 – Enable underscan (12%)
This command is used to get or set the zoom percentage. If [n] is specified, the input image will be zoomed by the
specified percentage. 100% is full screen (no zoom).
Zoom percentage to tenth of a percent; range is dynamically
determined based on the video input signal.
Cursor Location Control / Pixel Color
This command moves the cursor to the specified location and gives the pixel’s YCbCr and RGB color. The X and Y
positions are relative to the start of the active region. The upper left corner is the (0,0) position. If no parameters are
specified, the current cursor location along with its pixel color in YCbCr and RGB formats will be displayed.
CURSORLOC [xPos] [yPos]
The given YCbCr and RGB values returned by this command are used for factory calibration of the input video
Manual # 26-0109901-00 / Revision C
SmartVIEW – Computer – to – Video Down Converter 31