Comark RF500A/AP Service Manual
Tier 3: RF500A Component Level Repair
Fault Finding
Before any component level fault finding the following should be checked for:
Missing Components
Lifted Pins
Dry Joints
Solder Shorts
Ensure inter-connecting tracks reach their destination
Common faults resulting in the MPU not functioning are:
Check power connections
Check X421 are connected
Ensure inter-connecting tracks reach their destination
Replace U421
Serial Communications
If there is no comms to the board check U421
USB Communications
If there is no comms to the board check U541.
5V Rail
If the 5V rail is inoperative of out of specification, common items to check would be:
Check supply to U341
Check shutdown pin of U341
Check the correct values are fitted for R341 and R342
Check Q341 (this is the over voltage protection)
Ensure inter-connecting tracks reach their destination
3VM Rail
If the 3VM rail is inoperative of out of specification, common items to check would be:
Check supply to U362
Ensure inter-connecting tracks reach their destination
Replace U362
17 November 2011
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