5.3 Mirror/Duplicate Mode
When you need to print two identical or mirrored models, just choose the
mirror/duplicate mode in the slicing software. In this mode, the left and right
extruders will print the models at the same time
(Note: only models with X-axis
less than 183mm are supported in the mirror/duplicate mode)
Mirror/duplicate mode: Since the heights of the left and right extruders are
different after installation, the software will automatically add a compensation
layer to compensate for the height difference when slicing, so that the printing
heights of the left and right sides are consistent. Z-axis calibration is based on the
right extruder, and the height difference between the left and right extruders is
When the height difference is less than 0.2mm, the compensation layer will not be
The compensation layer is printed first, and it is easy to be removed by adhering to
the raft. If the raft printing is not added, the compensation layer will be directly
applied to the model, which is difficult to remove.
Compensation layer in the mirror/duplicate mode
Compensation layer
When the distance between the right
extruder and the platform is smaller,
the left extruder prints the
compensation layer.
When the distance between the left
extruder and the platform is smaller,
the right extruder prints the
compensation layer.