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Operator‘s Manual FERITSCOPE
measurement application.
Measurement Series
A series of single readings between two block or final results.
Measuring is comparing. The probe signal generated at the measuring
position is compared to the probe signal of the calibration standard. Us-
ing the calibration curve, the instrument converts the probe signal to the
measurement result.
Measuring Application
Structure of the measuring object according to material, thickness and
other properties (hard/soft, porous/dense, homogenous/inhomoge-
neous, etc.) and any other conditions relevant to the measurement re-
quirement. These factors determine the selection of a suitable test meth-
od, the probe type and the instrument.
Measuring Object
Object on which the measurements are to be performed to determine
-ferrite content for example.
Data storage element of a microprocessor-based measuring instrument.
Information is saved in the memory.
Lowest measured value of a test series.
Minimum Value
Minimum value measured in a measurement series.
Monitoring of test equipment
A quality assurance task. It consists of ensuring that the measuring sys-
tem (instrument) is operating properly and is still calibrated correctly,
and to take corrective measures, if necessary (re-calibration of instru-
ment or repair).
Adjusting a measuring instrument to a new zero value (countrate X0).
Important for some applications when the base material changes, or
when the test method is subject to instability (e.g., to drift) (e.g. for beta