ID ISC.ANT.U500/270 - DM
Page 16 of 117
6.1. Characteristics of TCP/IP protocol
If the Reader uses the LAN interface the data is packaged in TCP/IP protocol frames. This means
the whole data format and protocol frame which is described in
6.2. Serial Data Format and Proto-
is packaged as the data of TCP/IP protocol frames.
If you use the TCP/IP protocol please be aware that the data packaged in the TCP/IP frame is
transferred with
Protocol frame: Advanced Protocol-Length
as describe below.
The LAN socket on the reader side uses the
keepalive option
for detecting interrupted connec-
tions. The default parameters for keepalive are initialized as listed in the table:
idle time
5 seconds
The reader sends every 5 seconds a keepalive probe which has to be
acknowledged by the client
repeat count
If a keepalive probe is not acknowledged, the reader repeats the
probe only two times with an interval of 5 seconds.
5 second
If the 15 second time span is expired and no keepalive probe response is obtained from the client
the connection is closed and the client application must enable a new connection. The keepalive
parameters can be modified in the configuration pages for LAN. This keepalive option should not
be mistake with the Keepalive message for notification mode.