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12. Review your work. Make sure that the Robot Arm fasteners are tight.
Check all connections. Confirm that the Robot Arm moves freely without
binding. Confirm that all wires and harnesses are positioned correctly and no
wires are being pinched.
13. Turn on the machine using the Power Switch on the left side of the Power
Supply below the Delivery Bin. Position the Display Board so that it may be
viewed from the back of the door. Press the “VAC” button to unlock the
14. The new Robot Arm must be calibrated to the machine, but it is important
to erase the existing calibration data. Refer to the section on Calibrating the
Robot Arm. Go to Service Menu Option 4) Create Selection. Press and hold
the Reset button. The Display will first read, “THIS FORCES RE-SETUP” and
then, “Arm Uncalibrated”.
Release the Reset button.
If you continue to
hold the Reset button you will erase all product selections and their
freezer locations.
15. Press the pound (#) key to continue. (See Fig. 9A and 9B) The Display
will instruct you to “Put Arm at Left Wall”. Fold the Robot Arm so that the
upper arm is against the back cabinet wall and the front of the Robot Arm is
against the left side cabinet wall. Press the pound (#) key to accept. The
Display will instruct you to “Set Arm at Delivery”. Move the arm so it is
straight out from the back wall with the Vacuum Pump housing in the front
center position. Press the pound (#) key to accept.
At this point the calibration and installation process is complete. Your
selections should still be programmed correctly. We recommend that you try
a few test vends to verify the operation and price settings.
To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | www.bmigaming.com | (800) 746-2255 | + 561-391-7200