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If the message on the Display reads, “MACHINE NOT SET UP”, you will need to
calibrate the robot arm. This typically only appears when the VMC or Robot Arm
is first calibrated to the cabinet.
1) Scroll to menu # 4) Create Selection.
2) Press the “#” key to create a selection. You will be prompted to “SET ARM AT
LEFT WALL”. Position the arm shown in figure 9A. Press the “#” key to accept.
Display will show “SELECTION STORED”
3) Now you will be prompted to “SET ARM AT DELIVERY”. Position the arm as
shown in figure 9B. Press the “#” key to accept. Display will show “SELECTION
4) Display should return to “4) CREATE SELECTION”
5) You may now program your selections as described in the “PROGRAMMING
YOUR MACHINE” section.
Figure 9A
Figure 9B
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