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9. Reverse the above instructions to install the new Freezer Lid Lift Mechanism.
Take care not to damage the wiring harness when threading it through the
cabinet reinforcement bracket.
10. Adjust the lift arm so that the Lift Pin on the right side of the Freezer Lid will
drop into the fork on the top of the Lift Arm. You may have to raise the lift arm
slightly. The Lid Lift Mechanism is adjustable front and back.
11. There is an adjustment at the bottom of the Lift Arm which determines how
far the Freezer Lid will open before the Freezer Lid “Open” Switch is activated.
Manually open the Freezer Lid. Tilt the top of the lift arm towards the back of the
machine. The bottom of the arm will pivot outwards. You will need a ¼-inch
wrench or nut driver to loosen the (2) screws. Raise the actuator plate to allow
the “Open” Switch to activate sooner.
Evolution Robot Arm Installation Instructions
Necessary Tools and Accessory Items:
Phillips screwdriver, #2; 5/16 - inch wrench; cutting pliers;
(5) Cable Ties – 7-½ inch
1. Locate the power switch on the Power Supply under the delivery bin and
turn it OFF to remove power from the VMC Board and Robot Arm.
2. Support the end of the Robot Arm with one hand while pulling the Vacuum
Pump down to expose the Vacuum Pump Cable with the other hand. Locate
the threaded ring at the top of the Vacuum Pump and unscrew it so that the
Vacuum Pump can be removed. Gently place the Vacuum Pump in a safe
location such as the delivery bin.
3. Follow the Robot Arm to the back wall. Locate the gray plastic cover.
Remove the 2 cover retainer screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Remove the
4. The VMC Board is located in the upper left hand corner of the door if you
are facing the inside of the door. Lift the clear plastic rain guard and
disconnect the (4) connectors leading from the robot arm. There are (2)
ribbon cable harnesses located at J6 and J7. The remaining (2) harnesses
are located at J4 and J5.
5. Cable ties are used to hold the harness in place. Mark the position of
each cable tie so that the harness may be re-installed properly. You will need
to cut several cable ties to separate the robot cable from the lid lift harness
(Orange Wires connected to J3). There is no need to unplug any other
connectors unless if you are also changing the VMC Board.
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