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11. Freezer Close
We wait for one of the following to occur:
The Freezer Closed Switch has been detected.
The Freezer Open Switch is detected.
The timer expires and the freezer is still not closed.
A period of time has elapsed without “seeing” freezer encoders.
A Freezer Lid Lift Motor over-current is detected.
When the Freezer Closed Switch has been detected, Control will advance to a
“Clean-up” state before returning to the “Idle” state to await another vend
12. Cleanup
The “Clean-Up” state issues the “Vend Success” or “Vend Failure” signal to the
Executive portion of the Evolution firmware. Control resets all parameters to
prepare for the next vend request. Motors and switches are inspected. If the
Vacuum Pump has returned to the garage, if the Z Home Switch is active, if the
Robot Arm is at the delivery point and if no errors have been reported then
Control will return to the “Idle” state.
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