Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 3.8.0)
Page 59 of 69
B. Ping-to-Ping Target Stabilization
1. Overview
As described in Appendix C, Understanding Interference and Other Limitations, sonar technology is limited
in what it is able to detect and ocasionally susceptible to interference. Because of this, SonaSoft™ performs
ping-to-ping processing to mitigate these effects. This processing tracks in-water targets over time to create
an expectational model of the underwater environment which, in turn, is then used to provide a much more
stable image. This is similar to persistence found on radar systems.
There are two primary effects of this ping-to-ping stabilization that should be noted when operating
SonaSoft™. The first is noise filtering, and the second is gap filling.
2. Noise Filtering
SonaSoft™ hides all targets the very first time they are detected, waiting until their second detection to
display them. This significantly reduces the number of false-detections caused by transient noises such as
wave slaps, engine noise and fleeting bubbles. However, it is also important to be aware that if a true target
that you are expecting to see is not displayed, it may be because SonaSoft™ is still determining its reliability.
Typically, waiting one ping is long enough to resolve any unexpected behavior caused by this noise filtering.
3. Gap Filling
Because targets may become temporarily obscured at certain orientations or hidden behind schools of
fish or bubble clouds, the sonar may ocassionally fail to detect a target. Because of this, SonaSoft™ will
display a synthetic target where the actual target was expected to have been seen, filling in what would have
otherwise been a "gap". SonaSoft™ will only fill these gaps for a maximum of 5 pings before determining
that those expected targets are no longer reliable.