Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 3.8.0)
Page 49 of 69
length of the line specified in system units will be drawn near the mouse. Once released, the distance will
be displayed along the orange line.
Right Button Mouse Double Click
Double clicking with the right mouse button brings up a dialog that provides information about objects under
the cursor.
Shift + Right Button Mouse Double Click
Double clicking with the right mouse button while holding shift brings up a dialog with detailed information
about the databases and objects under the cursor. This dialog is for experts only while troubleshooting
database issues.
6.5. Configuration Manager Options
In order for this component to work properly, NMEA compatible heading and location sensors must be
connected to the SonaSoft™ User Interface computer. These sensors include: GPS, loran, compass, etc.
More information on NMEA connections can be found in the chapter entitled Section 4.2, “Connecting NMEA
Devices”. Under the Configuration Manager's Chart Display tab, the user can specify the type of NMEA
message to use. The user can select between RMC (recommended minimum specific GNSS data), GGA
(global positioning system fix information), HDG (heading, deviation, and variation) and HDT (heading true)
where appropriate.
Figure 45. Chart Display Configuration Manager Options