Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 3.8.0)
Page 35 of 69
4. First Time Configuration
4.1. Overview
The first time the software is installed, there are a number of items which must be configured. These can
always be changed later. However, not setting these items will affect the performance of the system.
4.2. Connecting NMEA Devices
The SonaSoft™ user interface software has been designed to interface with external navigation sensors
via standard NMEA 0183 interface sentences. It is highly recommended that a GPS, echo sounder, and
heading sensor (if available) be connected to the SonaSoft™ computer. Not including position, heading,
depth, speed over ground, course over ground, and rate of turn information may significantly reduce the
detection capabilities of the FarSounder system. Some of the other benefits of connecting external sensors
• plotting the ship's location and sonar data on top of a digital chart
• showing the Depth Profile angle in absolute heading
• displaying conning information
• in-water target and seafloor stabilization
• True Target Motion™
The SonaSoft™ software has been designed to accept information from external sensors via standard
NMEA-0183 sentences. SonaSoft™ connects to these NMEA sensors via the host computer's COM ports.
SonaSoft™ can listen to and process the following sentences: DBT, DPT, GGA, GLL, HDG, HDT, RMC,
ROT, VHW, and VTG.
In most cases, the host computer's COM ports will be basic serial ports (RS-232). However, some marine
computers come equipped with true NMEA-0183 hardware ports (opto-isolated RS-422). In all cases, these
COM port settings can be configured under the Configuration Manager's COM Port NMEA tab. If the host
computer has multiple COM ports, the software can be configured to listen on multiple ports to multiple
sensors. Additionally, a standard NMEA multiplexer can be used to connect multiple sensors to a single
COM port.
COM Port Configuration
All NMEA configuration options are accessed by selecting “NMEA Settings” from the Configuration Manager
menu (see figure 34). This display includes a list of each available COM port. Each row in the list contains a
check box, a COM port number, a baud rate selection drop down box, and a Show Trace button. SonaSoft™
can read all standard NMEA-0183 messages on any COM port in the list.