Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 3.8.0)
Page 27 of 69
In most cases, the host computer's COM ports will be basic serial ports (RS-232). However, some marine
computers come equipped with true NMEA-0183 hardware ports (opto-isolated RS-422). In all cases, these
COM port settings can be configured under the SonaSoft™ Configuration Manager by selecting the COM
Port NMEA tab. If the host computer has multiple COM ports, the software can be configured to listen
on multiple ports to multiple sensors. Additionally, a standard NMEA multiplexer can be used to connect
multiple sensors to a single COM port. Computers supplied by FarSounder come with two RS-232 ports
standard. Additional ports can be added via PCIe adapter cards or USB-to-RS232 connectors.
Additionally, most vessels will have traditional echo sounders operating in conjunction with the FarSounder
system. In order to avoid interference with one another, it is recommended that the echo sounders be
located as far from the FarSounder sonar as possible. To ensure that there is no interference (particularly if
the echo sounders must be located near the FarSounder system) 200 kHz echo sounders should be used.
These are almost guaranteed to never interfere with the FarSounder sonars. 50 kHz echo sounders are not
recommended to be used in close proximity to the FarSounder Transducer Module since they are close to
FarSounder's operating frequency of ~61 kHz and may interfere.
1.7. Operating the Sonar
Do not dry dock, haul, or otherwise remove the installed sonar from water without turning off
the Power Module. The occasional surfacing of the Transducer Module in rough sea states will
not damage the system.
In order to run the sonar, the Power Module and Transducer Module must be connected and turned on,
the Power Module must be on the same network as the SonaSoft™ host computer, and SonaSoft must be
running. After connecting the Power Module and Transducer Module together, both pieces of the hardware
are powered on by turning on the power switch on the back of the Power Module.
There is no separate switch for the Transducer Module.
Once the hardware is turned on, the Bank 1 and Bank 2 LEDs on the Power Module should light, the Ping
LED may flash once, and the Ctrl A and Ctrl B LEDs may or may not light. It takes about 90 seconds for the
Transducer Module to start up, before which time, the SonaSoft program will start, but no sonar information
will be visible.
If the TX Off LED is illuminated, no signal will be transmitted. This mode is intended for use in testing the
system while the Transducer Module is not in water. However, it should only be used for limited duration
testing. The slider switch on the front panel of the Power Module controls this feature.
The two Ctrl LEDs indicate internal Power Module logic states. These are used for FarSounder testing
purposes only, and have no user application. The state of these LED's may change from time to time
depending upon the particular mode setting of the sonar system.
After cold booting, the Ctrl A and Ctrl B LEDs will blink alternating AA-BB-AA-BB indicating the hardware
is in standby mode waiting for a SonaSoft™ connection and able to accept firmware updates. The first
connection after a cold boot may take up to 1 minute. Subsequent connections will only take a few seconds.
After the first SonaSoft™ connection post cold boot, any time there is no SonaSoft™ connection, the Ctrl
LEDs will blink A-B-A-B indicating the hardware is in standby mode ready to accept SonaSoft™ connections
but cannot accept firmware updates.