Chapter 2 - page 3
MCO-TCO work mode
6.- This screen may be entirely customized (see "screen customizing" in the installation manual).
The one supplied by Fagor shows everything about the tool.
* The number of the tool currently selected (in large characters).
* The graphic representation corresponding to the location code associated with the tool.
* The offset number «D» associated with the tool. If the tool number and the offset number
coincide, the CNC will not display value «D».
* The coordinates for the tool change point referred to home. The CNC does not display this
window when text 47 of program 999997 is not defined.
This window may be customized entirely (see "Screen customizing" in the installation manual).
The one supplied by Fagor shows everything about the spindle :
* The theoretical turning speed selected. «S» value when working in rpm. and the «CSS» value
when working in TCO mode at constant surface speed.
* The condition of the spindle. This is represented by an icon and can be turning to the right,
to the left or idle.
* The % of the spindle speed being applied.
* The maximum spindle rpm (TCO model).
* The range of spindle active.
* The range of the active spindle. The CNC does not display this information when text 28 of
program 999997 is not defined.
8.- Whenever a work cycle is accessed, the CNC shows the help text associated with the icon
selected in this window.
This help text must be defined in P999994 program and be written in the language required.
The format and the points to be considered in the P999994 program are detailed in the chapter
on "General Concepts".
9.- Reserved.