Chapter 3 - page 6
MCO-TCO work mode
To assign the value of the (W) field to a global parameter, only when calling the routine.
When executing a cycle, the CNC calls upon the associated routine indicating, through local
parameters, which values have been defined in each field.
For example: (PCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5, D8)
When using global parameters the CNC uses another PCALL instruction to transfer the global
For example: (PCALL 9301, P100=22, P101=32, P102=48)
(PCALL 9001, A10, B12, C5, ..... Y8, Z100)
The routine associated with the cycle is
9000 + cycle Nr.
The auxiliary routine associated with the cycle is
9300 + cycle Nr.
When using a (P100=W13) type instruction, the auxiliary routine must also be defined even if
it only contains the instructions SUB and RET.
To associate the value of a global parameter to the (W) data.
To associate the value of a variable to the (W) data.
To associate the value of a PLC resource to the (W) data.
that of a Register
that of a Mark
;(W6=PLCM1000,1) first and how many
that of a group of inputs
first and how many
that of a group of outputs ;(W6=PLCO10,3)
first and how many
Associate only resources that are defined in the PLC program.
In the case of Marks, Inputs and Outputs, one must indicate the quantity. If none
is indicated, 32 is assumed.
It assigns the value of O11, O12, O13, O14
It assigns the value of O11, O12 ... O41, O42
If a (W) data has associated with it a parameter, variable or resource, it behaves as follows:
It assumes the value of its associate when accessing the screen.
To continuously update the field value, use the (AUTOREFRESH) instruction which is
described later on.
If its associate is a read-only type, the operator will not be able to change the field value.
If its associate is a read/write type, the operator may change the field value.
When changing the value of the (W) field, the value of its associate is also changed.
By the same token, when using the (AUTOREFRESH) instruction and if the CNC or PLC
changes the value of its associate, the field value is also changed.
• If
an error occurs because the variable does not exist (PLC register) or the communication
fails (drive variable), the field is temporarily disabled and it displays a grey window. 10
seconds later the field is enabled again.
Refreshes (updates periodically) the value of the graphic element W6 by assigning to it the value
of the X axis following error.
It must be used with Ledbar type (W) data that have a variable associated with them in decimal
format (e.g. X axis following error).
The values assigned, at the PC, to the end and intermediate values of a Ledbar element must be
integers and they must be related to the variable associated at the CNC.
When the associated variable has a decimal format, the following instruction must be used: