Chapter 3 - page 3
MCO-TCO work mode
In CO mode, programs P900000 through P999999 are reserved for the CNC itself and cannot be used
as user part-programs.
Some have a special meaning and must be defined by the machine manufacturer.
P999001 through P999200 Configuration files defined by the manufacturer.
P999001 for cycle 1, P999002 for cycle 2 and so on up to 999200 which is for cycle
P999500 Program which logs the errors occurred when interpreting a configuration file.
P999994 Help texts of the OEM cycles (see Wgdraw manual).
P999995 Texts and titles used by the OEM screens (see Wgdraw manual).
P994xxx When the OEM cycles allow to define profiles, the operator defines them with 3 digits
(0 through 999) and the CNC stores them internally as P994xxx.
Profile 1 in P994001, Profile 2 in P994002 and so on.
The rest of the programs reserved are for internal CNC use and MUST NOT be deleted.
In CO mode, routines 0000 through 8999 are free and 9000 through 9999 are reserved to customize
the CNC.
It is recommended to define all the OEM routines in a program with a high number in order to prevent
the operator from modifying them.
If so wished, program P999999 may be used since it is free.
The following routines must be defined by the manufacturer.
9001 a 9200
Routines containing executable code associated with the cycles defined by the
manufacturer (OEM cycles).
9001 is for cycle 1, 9002 for cycle 2 and so on up to 9200 which is for cycle 200.
Routine executed by the CNC at the beginning of each part-program.
Routine executed by the CNC at the end of each part-program.
Every time a new part-program is edited (set of operations or cycles), the CNC inserts
a call to the corresponding routine at the beginning and at the end of the program.
Both routines must be defined by the OEM even when no operation is to be carried out
at the beginning or at the end of the part-program.
Example of how to define routines 9998 and 9999.
(SUB 9998)
; Definition of routine 9998
; Program blocks defined by the OEM.
; End of routine
(SUB 9999)
; Definition of routine 9999
; Program blocks defined by the OEM.
; End of routine
If routines 9998 and 9999 are not defined, the CNC will issue an error
message when trying to execute a part-program.