Matrix Software, cont’d
MPX 866 A Media Presentation Matrix Switcher • Matrix Software
Select the MPX 866 matrix model and click
(fi gure 5-15).
Figure 5-15 — Emulation Confi guration window
Continue using the program as described on page 5-4.
Using the help system
For information about program features, you can access the help program in any of
the following ways:
• From the Extron Electronics program folder or group, double-
click on the Matrix Switcher Help icon (shown at right).
• From within the Matrix Switcher Control Program, click on the
Help menu on the main screen.
• From within the Matrix Switcher Control Program, press the F1 key.
Special Characters
The HTML language reserves certain characters for specifi c functions. The switcher
will not accept these characters as part of preset names, the switcher’s name,
passwords, or locally created fi le names.
The switcher rejects the following characters:
{space (spaces
ok for names)} + ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ semicolon (;) colon
(:) | \ and ?.
Button-Label Generator
The Button Label Generator software creates labels that you can place in the
translucent covers of the input and output pushbuttons. You can create labels with
names, alphanumeric characters, or even color bitmaps for easy and intuitive input
and output selection. See appendix B,
Specifi cations, Part Numbers, and Accessories
for blank labels and procedures for removing and replacing the button labels.
The program is contained on the same CD-ROM as the Matrix S Control
Program and is also available on the Extron Web site,
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CAMBOARD Electronics
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