RF Control Station Statistics
Two sections in the Extended Statistics with the heading “WNI Extended RDI Statistics” and “WNI Channel
Statistics” are of special interest because they provide valuable information on each individual RF control station
and each EDACS RF channel enabled for data. The statistics counts are maintained by each RF control station,
and can be collected per user request through the Data Advantage user interface. Because the error text in these
two sections originate from the RF control station software, they can be difficult for the normal user to
understand. This section gives a explanation of the most frequently occurred error codes.
Error Text
Retry Limit. No assignment.
TX Radio can not get the working channel assignment. The TX is aborted.
No initial sync on data channel.
TX radio got working channel assignment. It also detected the barker,
but it fails to receive a correct “Data Block” message to get
synchronized on the working channel.
The RX radio that has not yet received any data burst times out while
looking for a “Data Block” message on the assigned working channel.
No sync on data channel.
TX radio first times out while waiting for ACKMAP and then fails to
get re-synchronized on the working channel.
A RX radio has sent a final ACK, but times out while looking for a
Data Burst Message.
No response from host.
TX times out three times waiting for a ACKMAP from the receiving
mobile, it droops the data call.
Group call failed.
TX radio has transmitted all the data bursts of a group data call, but can
not receive a “Special Drop” message from the site. The TX radio
aborts the data call by sending the Data Advantage an abort (ACKA).
A RX radio fails to get a data burst for a group data call.
DOM call time out.
TX radio times out, the 7 seconds timer on the working channel has
Received Drop message in RX or
TX mode.
A TX / RX radio receives a “Drop” message from the site while
transmitting or receiving.
Special Drop. Not all data
A RX radio receives channel assignment and tries to get synchronized
on the working channel. But instead of a “Data Block” message, a
“Special Drop” is received on the working channel. The RX radio
aborts the call.
Bad Packets
Each time a radio receives a data packet with incorrect CRC, it
increments this count for the RF channel being used. If a channel has a
excessive number of bad packets, the RF channel may not be set up
properly (for example, the antenna is not connected properly).
Abort Count
Number of data calls dropped on a particular working channel due to
some abnormal condition.
No Fault Receive
Number of packets correctly received on a particular RF channel.