The Data Advantage Software Release Notes Manual (AE/LZT 123 1893) contains the installation procedure.
This section provides the installation steps for the Data Advantage and the Host Computers as part of that
procedure. The steps documented in this section are:
1. Set up MVME147 Board
2. Set up VCOM24 Board
3. Connect the Host Computer(s).
4. Modify the Host Computers Routing.
5. Tightening Data Advantage’s Password Security (Optional).
6. Connect the Diagnostic Terminal to the Data Advantage equipment.
7. Connect the printer to the Data Advantage equipment (optional).
8. Connect the VCOM24 serial ports to the RF control stations.
9. Connect the RF control stations to the power supply.
10.Customize the Data Advantage configuration.
11.Connect the Data Advantage equipment to an AC source.
12.Turn on the Data Advantage equipment and Load the Software.
13.Program the RF control stations.