Data Advantage is shipped with the following items:
VME chassis containing multiple microprocessor boards on a VME bus backplane
Eight or four (depending on configuration) Orion Mobile Radios used as RF control stations
Four or two (depending on configuration) RF control station shelves with internal cabling
One or two RF control station power supplies (depending on configuration)
One or two power distribution pannels (depending on configuration)
69” Data Advantage cabinet
VT100 compatible terminal with power cord
Terminal interface cable
RF control station data interface cables
RF control station power cables
AC line cord
Antennas for RF control stations
AC outlet strip
Data Advantage Technical Description manual
Data Advantage Installation and Maintenance Manual
Data Advantage Configuration Reference Manual
Data Advantage User's Reference Manual
Data Advantage Loader Diskette on one 3 1/2" floppy
Data Advantage Application Diskettes on two 3 1/2" floppies
Data Advantage Configuration Diskette on one 3 1/2" floppy
The following items are not provided as part of Data Advantage:
IBM compatible printer and cable (optional)
DB15 AUI Ethernet Transceiver and cable
Network Device Driver Software [i.e. EDACS Network Driver (END)]