5. Create new Radio Personality:
Using the Current Personality screen as the starting point, press the F4 (New) function key to bring up
the Radio Personality Screen.
In the Sys Name field, type in a name for the EDACS system. (PLANT1 is used in this manual).
Press the F8 (More) function key and then F3 (Freq). Press F3 (NewTrk) again to program the
frequencies of the EDACS site used with Data Advantage. Enter all the TX frequencies used by the
EDACS site (RX frequency will be automatically selected once TX frequency is entered).
Press F10 (Back) to exit the screen for frequency setting. Enter a filename to store the frequency set
entered above (P1_FREQ is used in this manual). Press F1 (Yes) to save the frequency set in the disk file
and go back to the Trunked Frequency Set screen. Press F10 (Back) to go back to the Radio
Personality screen.
Move the cursor under the Freq Set filed and type in the name of the frequency set entered in the
previous step. This will link the current Radio Personality to the frequency set.
Press F8 (More) several times until you see the menu item Group. Press F4 (Group), and then F4 (New)
to enter the Group Set defined for the EDACS system. At least one group set must be defined to satisfy
the requirements to define the personality for the Orion radio. Enter the Group name and Group ID for all
the groups (at least one) defined for the EDACS system. Press F10 (Back), and F1 (Yes) to save the
Group set in the disk file. Press F10 (Back) again to go back to the Radio Personality screen.
Move the cursor under the Group Set filed and type in the name of the Group set entered in the previous
step. This will link the current Radio Personality to the group set.
In the Radio Personality screen, press F7 (Option) to enter the Radio Option screen. Press F1 (Agency)
to enter the Agency definition. Enter the number of agencies and number of fleets per agency as defined
in the current EDACS system. Press F10 (Back) to go back to the Radio Options screen.
In the Radio Options screen, press F3 (Data) to enter the Data options. Set the data options as shown in
Figure 14 Radio Data Option screen. Note that when you create the new personality the baud rate
displayed in the Radio Data Options screen is 9600 bps. This is the default value for the baud rate.
Ignore this field. Make sure that you have evoked the programming software with a special option
parameter “/sc D192”. This option parameter will cause the programming software to overwrite whatever
baud rate is in the Personality file with 19200 bps when it is writing the personality to the radio.
Move the cursor to the Site field. Then type in the site ID of the EDACS system.
Move the cursor to the Unit field. Then type a LID in the range from 1 to 63 that is not currently in use
in the system. The LID is also called the Host ID of Data Advantage since an Orion radio in Data
Advantage is a Host Radio versus a Terminal Radio which must have a LID larger than 63.
In the Radio Personality screen, press F2 (Switch) several times until you see the Pwr Lev Field in the
Radio Personality screen. Move the cursor to the Pwr Lev field, and enter 8 to set the power level of
the Transmitter to 8 Watts. This setting generates a 6-Watt power output at the N connector to the
antenna on the rear of the radio shelf.