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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 98/10/08
This section presents two examples to show how to initialize the SED1352 registers and write a pixel to the display. Code
to initialize the SED1352 is provided in Section 6.2, “Initialization Code” on page 48.
The following examples describe values written to registers.
A “normal” value is one which must not change after initialization of all registers.
A “panel specific” value is one required for the given type of panel. Such a value must never change after initializa-
tion of all registers.
An “implementation specific” value is one required for the hardware implementation of the SED1352. Such a value
must never change after initialization of all registers. Refer to the SED1352F0x Hardware Functional Specification
and SDU1352B0x Evaluation Board User’s Manual for more information on hardware implementation issues.
An “application specific” value is one that can be changed by the program after initialization of all registers.
Example 1:
Initialize the registers for a 16 gray shade 320x240 single panel LCD with 64k of display
memory. Afterwards write one pixel to the top left corner of the display.
Program SED1352 Registers 00h-0Dh:
(in Binary)
See Also
0000 0000
must be zero
1000 1000
b7 = display on (normal)
b6 = single panel (panel specific)
b5 = XSCL not masked (panel specific)
b4 = LCDE LCDENB pin = 0 (implementation specific; the
recommended procedure is to turn this bit off during register
initialization and afterwards turn this bit on)
b3 = 16 grays (application specific)
b2 = 4 bit LCD data width (panel specific)
b1 = 16 bit Memory Interface (implementation specific)
b0 = RAMS ignored (implementation specific)
0100 1111
bits 7-0 = bits 7-0 of Line Byte Count (panel specific)
bit 8 of Line Byte Count in bit 0 of AUX[03h] (panel specific)
see Note A at end of
Table for calculation
0000 0110
bits 7-6 = Power Save Mode 0 (application specific)
bit 5 = LCD interface signals forced to 0 during Power Save
(implementation specific)
bit 4 = no LUT bypass (application specific)
bits 3-1 = not used
bit 0 = bit 8 of Line Byte Count (panel specific, see AUX[02h])
see Section 5.6, “Power
Saving” on page 44
1110 1111
bits 7-0 = bits 7-0 of Total Display Line Count (panel specific)
bits 9-8 of Total Display Line Count in bits 1-0 of AUX[05h]
(panel specific)
see Note B and C at end
of Table for calculation
0000 0000
bits 7-2 = WF not required (panel specific)
bits 1-0 = bits 9-8 of Total Display Line Count (panel specific,
see AUX[04h])