Electronic Support Services
If you have a modem, the fastest way to access helpful tips,
specifications, drivers, application notes, DIP switch or jumper
settings, and bulletins for EPSON products is through the online
services below.
EPSON bulletin board service
You can call the EPSON bulletin board service (BBS) at
(310) 782-4531. No
membership is required. Make sure your
communications software is set to 8 data bits with 1 stop bit,
no parity bit, and a modem speed up to 28.8 Kbps. See the
documentation that came with your communications software
for more information.
CompuServe online
CompuServe® members can call the Epson America Forum
on CompuServe. If you are already a member, simply type
at the menu prompt to reach the Forum.
If you are not currently a member of CompuServe, you are
eligible for a free introductory membership as an owner of an
EPSON product. This membership entitles you to:
An introductory credit on CompuServe
Your own user ID and password
A complimentary subscription to CompuServe
CompuServe’s monthly publication.
To take advantage of this offer, call (800) 848-8199 in the
United States and Canada and ask for representative #529. In
other countries, call the following U.S. telephone number:
(614) 529-1611,
or your local CompuServe access number.
Introduction 7