Turn off the monitor’s power, wait five seconds, and turn it back
If the light still does not come on, check the electrical outlet for
power. Turn off your monitor and unplug it from the outlet.
Then plug a lamp into the wall outlet and turn it on. If the light
turns on, your monitor may be faulty.
A software program asks you to reset for 256 color display.
For the best display performance, your system has been set to
run Windows with the High Color palette (64 thousand colors).
Some application programs you may install work better with the
256 color palette. If you want to change your color palette, you
can use the Display utility in the Windows 95 Control Panel or
the Galileo program in Windows 3.1. See your Windows
documentation or online help for more information about
changing your Display settings.
You used the Galileo utility in Windows 3.1 to change your
video refresh
but the
rate you set is
not saved after you
turn off your computer.
You need to set the refresh rate using the S3REFRSH program,
located in the C:\S3INSTALL\UTIL subdirectory. When you are
ready to exit the S3REFRSH program, make sure you select the
exit option that saves the refresh rate values in your
Diskette Problems
You see a diskette error message.
Reinsert the diskette, making sure you insert it all the way. If the
drive has a latch, turn it down to secure the diskette.
6-8 Troubleshooting