The keyboard is set up so that most keys have two jobs. The shift key determines
whether the red or the white function will be done. When the shift key is pressed, the
display will say “shift” in the upper right hand corner. When “shift” is being
displayed, the red labels determine what the keys will do. If the display does not say
“shift”, the white labels determine what the keys do. The manuals are not printed in
color, so the red labels are shown as an outline.
This key activates the red functions on the keyboard. “SHIFT” will appear in the display.
Shift automatically cancels if Repeat, Pointer, Restore or Set Home are pressed. Or you can
cancel shift by pressing the shift key again.
This key will stop the carriage, and turn off the laser. Once the engraver has stopped, you can
open the door to examine your engraving. By closing the door and pressing the ONLINE
button, the engraver will start engraving at the point where it stopped. As long as you did not
disturb the workpiece, the engraver will continue engraving without loss of registration.
CAUTION: If you have stopped the engraver and opened the door to examine your work, you
must close the door before you depress the Online button to continue engraving. The machine
will not operate with the door open.
This key enables the engraver to start engraving. Pressing the key will toggle the display
between ONLINE and OFFLINE. When OFFLINE the machine is in the disabled state and
will not accept a design from the computer. When ONLINE, the machine should be loaded
with the item to be engraved and the door should be closed. When the engraver is Online and a
design is received from the computer the engraver will automatically begin engraving. Do not