Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 13 von 69
Figure 7: Settings „Measurement three-phase“ Example 1
If, as in this example, the three-phase power shall be displayed on the bus seamlessly, the panel
“Transmit power and current measurements at change” has to be enabled. Then further buttons
are opened, with which this function can be specified. In the panel “Transmit measured values at
change” a percentage rate of 5% is indicated. Thus, a new measured value is transmitted, if the
measured value has been changed by more than 5% with respect to the value last transmitted
on the bus. With this setting the measurement on the bus can be effectively tracked without
which the bus is flooded with unnecessary messages. If the number of messages is still too high
with this settings, then the number of transmitted messages can be reduced by increasing the
percentage value. However, this goes hand in hand that the measured values can be tracked by
the bus with less accuracy. Here a appropriate compromise depending on the fluctuation of the
consumption loads should be found between the deviation of the indication from the current
measurement and the operational demands of the bus. Finally it should be configured, which
measurements are to transmit in cases of changes. Since only the active power is of interest,
only that button is activated.
In the following tab “Energy counter/ Tariff cost counter” from Figure 8 the used counter can be
released. Since in this example only the three-phase consumption and its costs are to be
visualized, only the energy counter “Energy counter three-phase” and the cost counter “Tariff
cost counter 1” is released. Furthermore two other so-called intermediate counter are required in
this example to transmit quarter-hour-consumptions and to transmit daily consumption costs
(=daily cost of electricity). These counters are released as well:
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