Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 22 von 69
Figure 22: Settings „Tariff 1“ Example 2
Similarly, the feed-in tariff is specified in the panel rate of “tariff 2”. To count positive income a
negative rate may be indicated here. In this case the active energy counter (generation) - three-
phase, which always contains, by definition, a negative value, is multiplied by a negative rate. It
results in a positive yield, which, for example, represents the yield of a PV-system. Therefore the
entering of the feed-in compensation of 11.56ct has a negative sign:
Figure 23: Settings „Tariff 2“ Example 2
Generally also the feed-in rate is not depending on the time of day. Therefore the tariff switching
is deactivated by selecting of “always active”.
The parametrization which is presented in this section causes the Smartmeter to transmit the
following group objects: "Energy counter-previous value" for the intermediate counter 1 (ID:
105), "Energy counter-previous value" for the intermediate counter 2 (ID: 113), "Energy counter-
previous value" for the intermediate counter 3 (ID: 121), "Cost counter-previous value" for the
intermediate counter 4 (ID: 131) and "Cost counter-previous value" for the intermediate counter
5 (ID: 139).
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