Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 10 von 69
ETS: from Version 3.0d, Patch A
Data base file
In http://www.enertex.de see the current ETS database file and the current product description.
Examples of settings
Below examples are presented, which show how the KNX Smartmeter can be used. To this end
appropriate adjustments in the ETS will be shown. The adjustments can be adopted directly.
Example 1:
Visualization of
energy consumption
In the first example the progress of energy consumption and the progress of the energy costs of
a residential house shall be recorded and shown on the bus. The consumption values
transmitted on the bus can be visualized for example on the web server of Enertex EibPC over
the last 30 hours.
Figure 3: Example of the visualization of energy consumption
Furthermore it is shown in this example, how the progress of the three-phase active power can
be displayed completely on the bus and the Smartmeter is configured such, that it also records
all measurement values on the SD card every 15 minutes.
In this example the following topics are treated: Installation of the Smartmeter, tariff counter,
intermediate counter, preempting a count, SD card, transmitting in case of change and time.
In this example the installation of the Smartmeter is a three-phase at the house connection.
Generally the current sensors are installed directly downstream the current counter of the
energy supplier. Similarly the voltage may be tapped directly downstream the current counter.
Bayern GmbH – Ebermannstädter Straße 8 - 91301 Forchheim - Deutschland - [email protected]