Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 31 von 69
a restart of the application the function "Request time and date after bus voltage recovery" can
be used. If a time and a date has been transmitted to the Smartmeter then the recording is made
each synced with the time of the day, that means at a recording interval of 15 minutes the
recording is carried out in each case to the minute XX:00 (= every hour), to the minute XX:15, to
the minute XX:30 and to the minute XX:45.
If no time has been transferred to the Smartmeter by bus, then the clock is set to 00:00 when the
application starts and the first recording is performed after the elapse of the first recording
If at a time of recording no SD card is inserted then the recording data are lost for this time,
since the recording is not additionally buffered. If at the start of the application no SD card is
inserted, then the recording do not start until the first time of recording after insertion of the SD
When the Smartmeter writes data to the SD card, the "POWER / SD-WRITE" LED
lights up red while writing. To prevent loss of data on the SD card, the SD card may not be
removed during the write operations.
Adjusting the real-time
clock without bus access
At a Smartmeter with RT option, the internal time of the smart meter can also be adjusted
without a KNX bus using only an SD card. Usually, the adjustment of the time is only necessary
after a few years, since the deviation of the internal time to the actual time increases only by a
maximum of one minute per year. The changeover from winter to summer time or from summer
to winter time is automatic, so there is no need to intervene manually. Likewise, leap years are
automatically taken into account in the date.
To readjust the time with an SD card, you must first create a text file with the date and time on it.
This text file must be created with the file name "DATETIME.TXT" (uppercase letters must be
used!). Then the file must be saved using a simple text editor, such as Editor or Wordpad. The
time to be set in the form of the time stamp, which is also used in the recording files, must now
be entered into the file. That For example, the text "2016-05-10-14:23:05" for May 10, 2016 and
the time of day of 14:23 and 5 seconds. To ensure that the time is interpreted correctly by the
Smartmeter, you must ensure that the time is entered exactly according to the specified pattern
and that no characters other than numbers, hyphen and colon are used. The SD card must now
be inserted into the Smartmeter during operation. As soon as the SD card is inserted, the time
stored on the SD card is taken over. The correct acceptance of the time is confirmed by the
yellow "POWER / SD-WRITE" LED lighting up for 2 seconds and then turning green again. To
set the time to the second with this method, the text file must specify a time in the future. The SD
card must then be inserted into the Smartmeter at exactly the specified time. If the time has
been taken over correctly, the file "DATETIME.TXT" will also be deleted automatically.
A smart meter with the RT option has an internal CR2032 lithium coin cell to maintain the clock
during power outages. The built-in battery lasts about 7 to 10 years if the device was not
disconnected from the 24V power supply for more than one year. If, after 7 to 10 years, there is
a large deviation in the time (more than 10 minutes), the internal battery must be replaced. The
exchange of the battery is only possible by opening the housing. To do this, the housing cover
must first be removed. This is snapped on the lower housing part and can be levered with a
screwdriver on the two provided notches on the cover. If the cover is removed, then the two
housing halves can be pulled apart. Finally, the lithium button cell in the battery clip can be
Note: Depending on the configuration, some settings may not be available. They are not shown
in the ETS in these cases.
Under the “General” tab the following settings can be made:
Bayern GmbH – Ebermannstädter Straße 8 - 91301 Forchheim - Deutschland - [email protected]