Handbuch-KnxSmartmeter-85A-en-3.odt, 2018-10-04
Seite 14 von 69
Figure 8: Settings „Energy counter/Tariff costs counter“ Example 1
In the following two tabs “Energy counter - three-phase” and “Tariff costs counter - three-phase”
no adjustments have to be done. Here the default values are taken.
Now the energy counter in the tab “Intermediate counter 1” is configured to count the quarter-
hour consumption. For this the “Input counter value of intermediate counter” has to be set to
“Active energy counter (consumption) - three-phase”. The counting interval is set to “15min”.
Furthermore the setting “Transmit counter value before resetting” is enabled:
Figure 9: Settings „Intermediate counter 1“ Example 1
With this configuration the intermediate counter sums up the three-phase energy consumption
each about 15 minutes and transmits this amount on the bus at the end of the interval. After that
the intermediate counter resets and adds the energy consumption again. Thereby the time
intervals are synchronized with the day time, so that the time intervals only start and end at
times XX:00 (=every hour), XX:15 and XX:45. Thus, these counters can also measure
synchronous to other current counters. Finally the 3-phase energy consumption of the last 15
minutes is transmitted cyclically after each quarter of an hour by this parametrization. Thereby
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