Promag 50
Set HART shortform address
Access type = write
Byte 0: desired address (0 to 15)
Factory setting: 0
With an address >0 (multidrop mode), the current
output of the primary process variable is set to 4 mA.
Byte 0: active address
Read unique device identification
using the TAG (measuring point
Access type = read
Bytes 0-5: TAG
Device identification delivers information on the device and
the manufacturer. It cannot be changed.
The response consists of a 12 byte device ID if the given TAG
agrees with the one saved in the device:
– Byte 0: fixed value 254
– Byte 1: Manufacturer ID, 17 = E+H
– Byte 2: Device type ID, 65 = Promag 50
– Byte 3: Number of preambles
– Byte 4: Universal commands rev. no.
– Byte 5: Device-specific commands rev. no.
– Byte 6: Software revision
– Byte 7: Hardware revision
– Byte 8: Additional device information
– Bytes 9-11: Device identification
Read user message
Access type = read
Bytes 0-24: User message
You can write the user message using Command 17.
Read TAG, descriptor and date
Access type = read
– Bytes 0-5: TAG
– Bytes 6-17: descriptor
– Bytes 18-20: Date
You can write the TAG, descriptor and date using
Command 18.
Read sensor information on
primary process variable
– Bytes 0-2: Sensor serial number
– Byte 3: HART unit code of sensor limits and measuring
range of the primary process variable
– Bytes 4-7: Upper sensor limit
– Bytes 8-11: Lower sensor limit
– Bytes 12-15: Minimum span
• The data relate to the primary process variable
(= volume flow).
• Manufacturer-specific units are represented using the
HART unit code "240".
Read output information of
primary process variable
Access type = read
– Byte 0: Alarm selection ID
– Byte 1: Transfer function ID
– Byte 2: HART unit code for the set measuring range of the
primary process variable
– Bytes 3-6: upper range, value for 20 mA
– Bytes 7-10: lower range, value for 4 mA
– Bytes 11-14: Damping constant in [s]
– Byte 15: Write protection ID
– Byte 16: OEM dealer ID, 17 = E+H
Factory setting: Primary process variable = Volume flow
• Manufacturer-specific units are represented using the
HART unit code "240".
• You can change the assignment of device variables to
process variables using Command 51.
Command No.
HART command / Access type
Command data
(numeric data in decimal form)
Response data
(numeric data in decimal form)