multi X 2500
Function and layout of the multi X 2500
Fig. 13 Combustion tube filled with used quartz containers
The multi-purpose combustion tube is used for the following analyses:
AOX determination in horizontal operating mode
EOX determination
TX determination
The gas connections are located on the collar of the combustion tube.
Fig. 14 Multi-purpose combustion tube
1 Argon supply connection
2 Connection for flame sensor
3 Screw cap with septum (for EOX determination only)
4 Oxygen supply connection
The connection between the combustion tube and the additional measuring gas drying
or downstream measuring gas path is implemented via the auto-protection assembly.
The flame sensor is a recommended option for operating the automatic boat feeder
(ABD) in horizontal mode. The flame sensor controls the speed of the boat feed to
avoid an elevated soot formation inside the combustion tube. It can be used for
samples with a high percentage of organic compounds (EOX and TX determinations).
combustion tube