Epsilon Eb and EN Drives Reference Manual
Figure 3:
PowerTools FM Window, Detailed Setup View
How Motion Works
Below is a list of details related to motion in a drive.
• The Stop input function overrides motion in all operating modes including Pulse and
Torque mode. It shifts the mode to Velocity mode and decelerates the axis according to
the Stop deceleration ramp.
• The Travel Limits work in all operating modes including; Pulse, Velocity and Torque
• When a Travel Limit has been activated in a particular direction, uninhibited motion is
allowed in the opposite direction.
• The Positive Direction parameter affects all motion by specifying which direction the
motor shaft will rotate (CW or CCW) when the command position is increasing.
• When changing modes with Torque Mode Enable input function, no ramping occurs
between the two different commands.
• When using Summation mode, the properties of both summed modes are honored.
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