Epsilon Eb and EN Drives Reference Manual
Position Tab
(Detailed Setup view only)
This tab is only definable in Pulse mode and allows you to enable and define the Following
Error Limit and if you are on line, view actual operating parameters.
Figure 37:
Position Tab
Limits Group
Enable Following Error Limit Check Box
Check this box to enable or disable the Following Error Limit.
Following Error Limit
This parameter only has an effect in Pulse mode. The Following Error is the difference
between the Position Command and the Position Feedback. It is positive when the Position
Command is greater than the Position Feedback. If the absolute value of the following error
exceeds the value you enter here, the drive will generate a Following Error Fault (F). All
accumulated Following Error will be cleared when the drive is disabled.
The Following Error Limit is in motor revolutions and has a range of .001 to 10.000
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