User Defined Motors
The total number of encoder lines is used both for commutation and for position/ velocity
control. To properly commutate the motor, the drive must know the electrical angle (the angle
between the motor magnetic field and stator coils).
Motor Encoder Lines Per Revolution Coefficient
Specifies a coefficient for determining the number of encoder lines per mechanical
revolution. The supported values are 1 to 16383. The equation for determining the total
number of encoder lines per revolution is:
nLines = n * 10x
nLines = Total Nnumber of encoder lines
n = Motor encoder lines per rev coefficient
x = Motor encoder exponent
The total number of encoder lines is used both for commutation and for position/velocity
control. To properly commutate the motor, the drive must know the electrical angle (the angle
between the motor magnetic field and stator coils).
Motor Encoder Exponent
Specifies the exponent for determining the number of encoder lines per mechanical
revolution. The supported values are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The equation for determining the total
number of encoder lines per revolution is:
nLines = n*10
nLines = Total Number of Encoder Lines
n = Motor Encoder Lines per Rev Coefficient
x = Motor Encoder Exponent
The total number of encoder lines is used both for commutation and for position/velocity
control. To properly commutate the motor, the drive must know the electrical angle (the angle
between the motor magnetic field and stator coils).
Motor Encoder Marker Angle
Specifies the electrical angle at which the marker (Z) pulse occurs with reference to V
the motor is spun in the encoder reference direction. At power-up the drive obtains an initial
estimate of the electrical angle from the status of the U, V and W commutation tracks. This
estimate can be off by as much as 30 °.
When the drive receives the marker pulse, the drive will, within one second, gradually shift
the commutation to the more accurate electrical angle specified by this parameter. The system
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