Setting Up Parameters
Actual Group
Pulse Position Input
This parameter returns the total number of actual pulses received on the pulse input hardware.
This value is active in all operating modes.
Position Command
This is the commanded position generated by either the pulse command or velocity command.
In Pulse Summation mode, it is the sum total position command by both pulse and velocity
Following Error
The Following Error is the difference between the Position Command and the Position
Feedback. It is positive when the Position Command is greater than the Position Feedback.
Encoder Feedback
The motor position in encoder counts since power-up when the value was set to zero. This is
a signed 32 bit value. The motor position in encoder counts since power-up when the value
was set to zero. This parameter can be rewritten anytime after power-up.
Position Feedback
This is the feedback position of the motor. This parameter displays the motor position in
revolutions and fractions since this parameter was set to zero since power-up.
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