Epsilon Eb and EN Drives Reference Manual
For information about Command Connector pinout and CMDO-XXX cable wire colors, see
the "Specifications" section.
Command Cables
The CMDO, CMDX and CDRO cables are all cables that plug into the Command Connector.
The CMDO and CMDX cables both use the same straight connector style, same color code
and carry the full complement of signals available from the Command Connector. The
difference is the CMDO cable has a male connector on one end with open wires on the other
while the CMDX cable has male connectors on both ends.
For information about CMDO-XXX and CMDX-XXX (18 pair cable) cable wire colors see
the "Specifications" section.
Some CMDO and CMDX cables may have White/Yellow and Yellow/White wires in
place of the White/Orange and Orange/White shown in the figure above (pins 6 and 21).
The CDRO cable includes only the most commonly used signals to reduce the cable outer
dimension and has a connector at only one end. The 45 degree connector design used on the
CDRO cable also reduces the enclosure spacing requirement below the drive.
For information about the CDRO-XXX (13 pair) cable wire colors, see the "Specifications"
Pin Numbers
Electrical Characteristics
Inputs and Drive Enable
1, 2, 3, 4, 16
10-30 V (“On”) 0-3 V (“Off”) optically isolated
17, 18, 19
10-30 VDC sourcing 150 mA
I/O Supply
33, 34
10 - 30 VDC @ 1 Amp maximum
I/O Common
31, 32
I/O return
Pulse Inputs Differential
25, 26, 27, 39, 40, 41
5 V, 200 mV differential, 60 mV hysteresis, RS-422 compatible
Pulse Inputs Single Ended
20, 36
TTL, 330 ohm pull-ups to internal 5 V, 1.5 V = low, 3.5 V = high
Encoder Supply 5 V
+5 V (200mA) output self-resetting fused internally
Encoder Common 0 V
0.0 V, 10 ohms away from PE
Encoder Out
8, 9, 23, 24, 37, 38
Differential line driver output (RS 422)
Analog In
14, 15
± 10 VDC differential command
Diagnostic Output
43, 44
± 10 VDC 10 mA maximum. Analog diagnostic output, ref. to pin
Diagnostic Output Common
0.0 V, 10 ohms away from PE
0 ohms away from Encoder Common 0V (pin 12)
RS 485 ±
6, 21
Same signals as the Serial Connector
+15 out
10 mA supply. ref. pin 29 (for test purposes only.)
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