Epsilon Eb and EN Drives Reference Manual
7. Calculate the number of motor poles:
Step 5: Editing the MOTOR.DDF File
The PowerTools software obtains the names and parameters of user defined motors from the
Motor Data Definition File (MOTOR.DDF). This file is automatically loaded during the
PowerTools installation and is located in the same directory as the PowerTools software. This
file contains two sections: the Header and the Motor data. An example MOTOR.DDF file is
shown on page 282.
The MOTOR.DDF file is a text file setup with carriage returns as parameter separators. It can
be accessed and edited with any general purpose text editor such as Windows Notepad. In
order for some text editors to read the file and recognize it as a text file, you will need to copy
it over to another directory and change the file name suffix from .ddf to .txt.
Most text editors allow you to save the modified file as a text file if it was read originally as
a .txt file. You must be careful that the edited file is saved as a text file otherwise it will be
unusable as a .ddf file.
After you have completed editing the file, saved it as MOTOR.DDF file. Then copy it back
to its original directory, overwriting the existing MOTOR.DDF file. The next time
PowerTools is started it will automatically recognize the new MOTOR.DDF file.
The header includes the revision and serial number information along with a count of how
many special motor definitions are included in the particular file. Standard Control
Techniques motors will not appear in this file because their data is hard coded into the drive’s
This parameter is fixed and is set by the PowerTools revision during installation.
The nameCount parameter defines the number of motor sections contained in the .ddf file. If
four motor sections exist, this parameter should be set equal to 4 which will cause PowerTools
to recognize only the first four (4) motor definitions in the file.
Motor Data
The motor data section contains the names and parameters of one or more user defined
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