Quick Start
“Output Lines” window, on the right side, displays the three output lines, the line active state
and the output function assignments.
Figure 106:
Outputs Tab
To assign an Output Function to an Output Line:
1. Assign an output by highlighting an output function in the "Output Functions" window
and selecting the desired output radio button or by dragging the highlighted output
function to the desired output in the "Output Lines" window.
2. To unassign an output function from an output line, select the desired output function
from the “Output Functions” window, then select the “Unassigned” radio button or by
dragging the highlighted output assignment back to the "Output Functions" window.
To make an Output Function “Active Off”:
1. Select the desired output function in the “Output Lines” window.
2. Click the “Active Off” check box. The Active State column in the "Output Lines"
window will automatically update to the current setup.
Online Setup
If you have previously created a configuration file, go to Step 3. If you do not have one done,
go to Offline Setup Step 1. Do Steps 1 through 9 in the previous section, "Offline Setup",
before establishing communications.
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