Epsilon Eb and EN Drives Reference Manual
Following Error
The Following Error is the difference between the Position Command and the Position
Feedback. It is positive when the Position Command is greater than the Position Feedback.
Encoder Feedback
The motor position in encoder counts since power up when the value was set to zero. This is
a signed 32 bit value. This parameter can be preloaded using the serial interface.
Position Feedback
This parameter is the motor position since power-up. This value is automatically reset to zero
at power-up.
Velocity Group
Preset Command
Preset Velocity command based on the velocity preset selected.
Analog Command
Analog command voltage currently being applied to the analog command input on the
command connector.
Velocity Command
The Velocity Command is the actual command received by the velocity loop.
Velocity Feedback
This parameter is the actual feedback motor velocity in RPMs.
Torque Group
Torque Command
This parameter returns the torque command value before it is limited. The torque command
may be limited by either the Torque Limit (if the Torque Limit Enable input function is
active) or current foldback.
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