VP-12, VP-12P IP phones. Operation manual
TR-069 protocol autoconfiguration
Enable TR-069 Client
– when selected, integrated TR-069 protocol client will be enabled.
– select the interface for TR-069 protocol operation. If
'Management VLAN'
interface is enabled
on the gateway, this VLAN will be used for TR-069 protocol operation automatically. Interface selection
setting will be disabled.
ACS Server Address
– autoconfiguration server address. Enter address in the following format: http://
<address>:<port> or https://<address>:<port> (<address> – ACS server IP address or domain name,
<port> – ACS server port, default value is 80). Alternatively, the client will exchange the data with ACS
server via the secure protocol—HTTPS. By default, ACS server produced by Eltex utilizes port 9595 for
Enable Periodic Inform
– when selected, integrated TR-069 client performs periodic ACS server polling at
intervals equal to
«Periodic Inform Interval
value, in seconds. Goal of the polling is to identify possible
changes in the device configuration.
ACS connection request
User Name, Password
– username and password used by client to ACS.