Solar installations - examples
Part 4: Installation and Start-up
Solar installations - examples
The MF relays 1-4 can be used to compile a wide variety
of solar installations from individual functions.
If the MF relays 1+2 are to be used for solar functions,
heatcircuit 1 can only be used as a direct heating circuit.
Code => Designation (sensor top, middle, bottom)
DHW => Hot-water tank (F6, F12)
BU => Buffer storage for heating operation (F3, F2, F1)
Sp 3 => e.g. Pool (F15)
MF relay => Multifunction relay (F11, F12, F13, F14)
If only one collector field is controlled, the charging
pump must be programmed to MF4. In the case of an
East-West installation, the second collector pump
must be programmed to MF3 (PT1000 sensor).
If only one storage tank is charged by the solar
system, the MF4 relay must be programmed as a
Cylinder charging pump (27, 28, 29 depending on the
type of storage / sensor). In this case, programming the
collector pump is not conducive.
If two or all three storage tanks are charged by the
solar system, the MF relays can be programmed as
cylinder charging pump (27, 28, 29) provided a
corresponding hydraulic system is also installed - all
storage tanks are connected to the collector in parallel by
means of charging pumps.
To comply with the hydraulic system shown, a collector
pump (23) is programmed to MF4. Switching between the
different storage tanks is done via the switch-over valves
07 => DHW to BU
08 => BU to Sp3
09 => DHW to Sp3 (if no BU is present)
The charging priorities are fixed and cannot be modified.
Prio 1 => Hot-water tank
Prio 2 => Buffer storage
Prio 3 => Pool or storage tank 3
In the case of an East-West installation (2 separate
collector fields), collector pumps for the individual
collector fields are programmed to MF4 and MF3. If there
are multiple storage tanks, these are separated by
switch-over valves (07, 08, 09) on MF1 or MF2.
In the case of cascade storage with transfer pumps,
the pump can also be controlled by function 30 (DHW) or
31 (BU).
If one or more than one storage tanks are charged
using a heat exchanger, the collector pump must be
programmed to MF4 (23). The pump between heat
exchanger and storage is programmed as a collector
pump (23) to a different MF relay.
In the case of an East-West installation, the second
collector must be integrated via MF3 (23) (PT 1000