Expert area
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
Solar parameters
Max T-Solar
The collector pumps are disabled when the associated
collector temperature exceeds the safety threshold set
here -> System protection. The pumps are reactivated
when the temperature falls below the temperature
[maximum collector temperature – 10K].
Min T-Solar ON
The collector pump is enabled when the associated
collector temperature exceeds the temperature [Min T-
Solar ON].
Min T-Solar OFF
The collector pump is disabled when the associated
collector temperature drops below the temperature [Min
T-Solar OFF]. This function prevents pump operation
without relevant heat production.
T-Solar protect
The collector protection temperature protects the collector
against overheating. If the collector temperature exceeds
the set collector protection temperature and the storage
tank temperature is less than 92°C, then the storage tank
is fed beyond its maximum temperature to 95°C to cool
the collector. The function is interrupted when the
collector exceeds its maximum temperature. The function
is activated again when the collector temperature drops
below the maximum temperature-3K.
Rflow cool diff
Parameter = 0 => No storage tank recooling
If the collector protection function has fed the storage
tanks during the day to temperatures in excess of the set
maximum storage tank temperatures, then the storage
tank can automatically be cooled at night between 1.00
and 6.00 hours by activating this function by switching on
the feeding pumps to the set maximum temperature of
the storage tank. The storage tank cannot be fed during
this period. Recooling can take place only when the
temperature of the storage tank exceeds the collector
temperature at least by the value of return flow cooling
diff3K hysteresis.
Max T-Bu HW, BU, 3
If a top of tank sensor is installed, it is used to monitor the
maximum temperature at this sensor. If this sensor is not
installed, the maximum storage tank temperature is
monitored at bottom storage tank sensor. In this case, the
layering of the tank must be taken into account. The
feeding pumps are disabled when the temperature of the
storage heater exceed the safety limit temperature set
System protection: The pumps are reactivated when the
temperature falls below the temperature [maximum
storage temperature – 5K].
Sol Kick Period [sec]
Collector pump runtime following pump kick.
Sol Kick Pause [min]
If the collector pump has not run for the duration set here,
the pump is activated for the kick duration period.
Sol Kick Gradient [min]
The course of the collector temperature is controlled
during this period following a pump kick. If an increase of
0.5K is detected, the pump is started for a further minute.