Display Range
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
Heatcircuit 1 / 2
Current room temperature and
current room set temperature as per
heating program and operating
Display of room humidity (if value is
Current pool temperature and pool
set temperature
Current warm water temperature
and warm water set temperature
Current flow temperature and
current flow set temperature
Circuit release
Heating circuit in heating mode
CH Pump
Status of the heating circuit pump
Previous time required to heat up
with heat-up optimisation activated
Temperature MF sensor 1 (=F11)
Status of relay MF1 (On/Off)
Temperature MF sensor 2 (=F12)
Status of relay MF2 (On/Off)
Temperature MF sensor 3 (=F13)
Status of relay MF3 (On/Off)
Temperature MF sensor 4 (=F14)
Status of relay MF4 (On/Off)
T-Solar 1
Temperature, collector 1
T-Solar 2
Temperature collector 2
Current hot water temperature and
current warm water set temperature
as per heating program and
operating mode
Temperature of HW tank in the
lower section (infeed/solar)
T-Buffer T
Buffer storage tank temperature
T-Buffer M
Buffer storage tank temperature
charging zone HS
T-Buffer B
Buffer storage tank solar zone
T-Storage 3
Storage 3 charging zone (F15)
Sol pump 1
Status of collector pump 1
Sol pump 2
Status of collector pump 2
Sol pump 3
Status of the collector pump 3
Charge ST HW
Status of Cylinder charging pump 1
Charge ST BU
Status of Cylinder charging pump 2 /
or the switch-over valve on Sp2
Charge ST 3
Status of Cylinder charging pump 3 /
or the switch-over valve on Sp3
Charge DHW2
Status transfer pump on 2nd
DHW storage tank [F15] (cascade)
Charge BU2
Status transfer pump on the 2nd
buffer storage tank [F15] (cascade)
Heatcircuit 1 / 2
T-Room (room temperature) [F2/F15]
Only if a sensor or a FBR is connected.
T-Pool (pool temperature) [F2/F15]
Only if the heating circuit is configured as pool controller.
T-DHW (hot water temperature) [F11/F5]
Only if the heating circuit is configured as hot-water
T-Flow (Flow temperature) [F11/F5]
Display of the measured flow temperature of the heating
circuit (only for mixed circuits) and display of the current
flow set temperature for the control.
Need-Opti-Time (last required heating-up time)
Display of the time last required for heating-up.
Solar/MF (Solar + Multifunction)
See the description for multifunction 1-4 under Expert.
see page 31
This page only displays those parameters where
the corresponding functions have been implemen-
ted and activated.
T-MF(1-4) [F11-F14]
A sensor is assigned to the four available multifunction
relays respectively. If the sensor is not used by another
standard function, a function that requires the sensor may
be selected for the relay. In this case the measured value
is displayed here.
In some special cases, e.g. when selecting the functions
"return flow temperature increase" or "collector pump" the
measured value is additionally displayed as T-Return
under installation or as T-Solar under Solar/MF
T-Solar (1,2) (collector temperature)
Display of the collector pump temperature/s if solar
installation configured via MF relay.
Sol pump (1,2,3) (collector pump status)
Charge ST (DHW,BU,3)
(status of Cylinder charging pump)
Status indication of the configured solar pumps.
If only one storage tank is charged by the solar system,
the associated MF relay must be configured as a Cylinder
charging pump (DHW, BU, 3).
A collector pump is only configured if either two collectors
(East-West alignment) charge one/more than one storage
tank or if multiple storage tanks are charged by the solar
system (switch-over of charging via switch-over valves).
Charge (DHW2,BU2) (status of transfer pump)
Status indication of the transfer pump for cascade