Pag. 133 di 152
11.7 File
The file name identifies the name of the file that needs to be uploaded to the instrument.
The name must indicate (fnum)Servicename where:
is the file number of the instrument where one requires to write the content of the
origin file from the PC.
Servicename is the name that will be assigned to the files generated by the
service being configured.
The upload file must be in xmbf (binary) format or in HEX format (in this case it will be converted to binary during the
11.8 Destination
It allows to establish a destination directory for the download file, different than the resident directory of the
program. It also allows to change the file name with respect to the default name that is automatically
generated by the program, that is (fnum)Servicename, example (0101)Loadprofiles.
It specifies the destination folder of the files. The path may be absolute or relative. A new folder is
automatically created if not existing.
It forces a name for the destination file. If no parameter is specified, the program uses the same name
used in the instrument filesystem.