Pag. 112 di 152
Type 4 files
The type 4 files are dedicated to recording of events related to power quality.
The “Events service”, when configured, records the following events in its files:
Power Off
: power supply drop below the voltage level ensuring instrument energisation;
Power On
: power supply voltage return;
Voltage Dip
Voltage Sag:
voltage drop of one or more phases (Ph-N for star connection, Ph-Ph
for delta connection) below a programmed set point for a short number of cycles (programmable
Undervoltage Start:
same as
Voltage Dip/Sag
but having a duration exceeding the programmed
limit in number of cycles.
return of one or more line voltages within the programmed set point that
generated the
Undevoltage Start
Voltage Swell:
rise of one or more voltages above a programmed set point for a short number of
Overvoltage Start:
same as the
Voltage Swell
but having a duration exceeding the programmed
limit in number of cycles.
Overvoltage End:
return of one or more line voltages within the programmed set point that
generated the
Overvoltage Start
Current Peak
: rise of one or more line currents above a programmed set point for a short number
of cycles.
Overcurrent Start
: same as the
Current Peak
but having a duration exceeding the programmed
limit in number of cycles.
Overcurrent End:
return of one or more line currents within the programmed set point that
generated the
Overcurrent Start
Config File Access
: modification of the configuration file;
Detection Started
Detection Suspended
: the measurement and detection functions are suspended, example, in the
case of firmware up-grade.
Detection Resumed
: when measurement and detection functions are restarted.
The instrument discriminates Overcurrent Peaks and Overcurrents occurring with positive Active Power
(import) and with negative Active Power (export).
It additionally classifies Overcurrents in two categories depending upon their duration and according to a
programmable limit in number of cycles.
of duration below a given number of cycles are classified as
Current Peaks
with duration
expressed in number of cycles. Overcurrents of duration above the set limit generate two distinct events:
Overcurrent Start
and an
Overcurrent End
Line voltage variations too are discriminated into two categories depending upon their duration and
according to a programmable limit in number of cycles.
Voltage variations of duration below a given number of cycles are classified as V
oltage Dips/Sags
Voltage Swells
Voltage variations above the set duration, generate two distinct events: an
and an
Undervoltage End
or an
Overvoltage Start
and an
Overvoltage End.
Events are recorded on a number of report-files - minimum 2 - specified by the user. A maximum size (in
number of bytes) may be also specified for each file.
Upon reaching the maximum specified file size, events recording continues on a new file.
Upon reaching the specified number of files, oldest files will be overwritten by changing the name suffix
(_001, _002, etc).
Whenever one of the above listed events occurs, a record is automatically appended to the report file.